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Greenlocks wants to buy a potion of agility. Being afraid of counterfeits sold to the HV, she prefers to speak directly to a Grand Master Alchemist.

A potion of agility ? No, but I can sell you the recipe if you want.

What will I do with the recipe ? I am not alchemist! I want a simple potion!

So I'm sorry, but I can not do anything for you.

There's a problem You are not an alchemist but a simple seller of recipes, aren't you ?

Who are you to say such things ! I came out first of the Alchemist Academy ! It's a shame !

Well then, make me a damn potion of agility !

It is not rocket yet.

I only sell recipes! Speak to someone else.

Yes, I understood correctly.

So you are not a real alchemist

You are only an illustrious illusionist!

Sortez de mon laboratoire Green !

Laboratory? I laugh ! It's more like a circus here!

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